AAI are aware, concern, and care about environment. The Company’s directors has set a clear environmental management policy with action plan, implementation, review, and continual improvement.
Using Energy from Clean Energy Sources
AAI has implemented solar rooftop project, the total installation capacity of the system is 3,531 kw, producing 4,788,670 kwh per year and helping to save electricity costs approximately 17,221,605 per year. This has resulted in greenhouse gas reduction of approximately 2,725.71 tons CO2e. Currently, the operation was completed since April 2021 and the power supply started in May 2021.

Water Management
High water consumption in the production process results in a significant volume of wastewater. AAI aims to develop a comprehensive water management plan which include assessment of water adequacy, water quality, water used reduction (per ton of production), wastewater reduction (per ton of production). and wastewater treatment as well as methods for reusing water.

Air Pollution Management
AAI monitor air quality released from the operation strictly as it could impact health of employees and community in surrounded area. We focus in two major parts: reducing air pollution, including dust and vapors (contaminants) from the fuel consumption and monitoring all vehicles entering the workplace, either those employed by the company or partners, must not generate smoke and the evidence of vehicle inspection must be presented upon request.

Waste Management – 3R concepts
AAI used Reduce, Reuse and Recycle concept in every business activities, product design or development, production planning, production processes, and waste management. These will ensure that waste will be minimized. Waste management policy include waste sorting and disposing properly as general, contaminated, or hazardous waste as well as procedure for outsourcing waste disposing to third-party.

Reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions.
AAI recognizes that industrial expansion, transportation energy consumption, agriculture and livestock, deforestation, natural resource and environmental destruction in various ways are major causes of global warming. Therefore, Asian aims to establish guidelines for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and calculate the annual greenhouse gas emissions from the company’s activities to ensure that the company’s growth is environmentally friendly.